In accordance with The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, permission is needed from the relevant copyright holders – those people who create music – in order to play or perform music in public.
TheMusicLicence allows you to legally play music for employees or customers in your business through the radio, TV, other digital devices and live performances.
PRS Ltd is the organisation that issues, and collects the fees from, TheMusicLicence. It is a joint venture between PPL and PRS for Music, the UK’s two music licensing societies, which has simplified the legal playing of music by introducing one licence, TheMusicLicence.
PPL represents performers and record companies. PRS for Music is a society of songwriters, composers and music publishers. Both organisations ensure that the creators and performers of music are paid when their music is used in public.
PPL and PRS for Music continue to represent their individual memberships, collecting monies owed to them from international societies, independently consulting on and negotiating on their separate Tariff rates, and licensing their broadcast, online and recorded media customers.
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