
The Carbon Neutral Journey – Not all footprints, verifications & offsets are the same!

Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainability & Low Carbon

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This webinar is delivered by Julie Adams a Carbon, Cost and Procurement Consultant with Auditel, a leading Cost, Procurement and Carbon specialist organisation.

Auditel help organisations reduce their carbon emissions whilst also reducing their costs. In the current challenging economic climate, organisations are battling with the desire to drive growth and profitability, whilst investing in low carbon emitting technologies to reduce their carbon footprint and speed up their journey to achieving Net Zero.

This session will be delivered as an online webinar via MS Teams
The route to carbon neutrality is fraught with misunderstandings and misinformation. There are a lot of offerings out in the market but how does a company know what is the right one for them. Self-certifications and black box calculators are leaving companies exposed. How can they be sure not to fall foul of the dangers of not taking the right verified path and encountering claims of potential “greenwashing” or futile offsetting with the huge reputational, financial and soon to be legal damage this can bring.

Many businesses now also solve their scope 3 issue with complicated software systems which shift the burden onto smaller businesses without providing clarity on how a smaller business and larger SME’s can practically tackle both carbon and cost reduction in one.

Auditel will discuss:
- the basis of the carbon journey with a special emphasis on the options for external verification types for becoming carbon neutral and the value of these.
- how to take the journey in a structured way and what high value offsets might look like if they form part of the journey.
- how the journey to carbon neutrality can be funded by cost savings in capital, procurement, and behavioural change.
Additional Information
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) in partnership with East Midlands Chamber.

This event has passed.


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