Are you a business local to Mansfield or trading in and around Mansfield? If so, you're welcome to come along.
Our goal is to help Mansfield businesses thrive by offering support services from the Council, East Midlands Chamber, D2N2 Growth Hub, and other partners, along with fostering collaboration among peers.
At this event, we’re focusing on AI in the Workplace: Trends and Opportunities. Delivered by digital expert Martin Broadhurst, the session will provide a brief overview of the current state of AI (Artificial Intelligence), its potential impact on businesses, and some practical ways to leverage AI for growth. We’ll also be outlining the latest grants on offer from Mansfield District Council and the Accelerator project.
Please feel free to share this invitation with any of your business contacts based in and around Mansfield.
Additional Information
This project is funded by Mansfield Districts Council’s share of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and is delivered by East Midlands Chamber.
Martin Broadhurst is a digital strategist, majoring in Email Marketing, CRM and Automation and, as a Chartered Institute of Marketing tutor and experienced digital agency leader, has been helping marketing professionals to hone their digital skills for over 10 years.