Business Growth

Gedling Business Support Network Meeting

Business Growth

15/11/2024 10:00 am

15/11/2024 12:15 pm

Sacred Heart Community Centre, Nottingham, NG4 1FP

Book a place


For further information on this event, please contact: Hannah Kerridge on 07741163242 or email


Are you a business local to Gedling or trading in and around Gedling? If so, you’re welcome to come along to the energetic Gedling Business Support Network.


At this November meeting, the focus will be on AI in the Workplace: Trends and Opportunities. Delivered by digital expert Martin Broadhurst, the session will provide a brief overview of the current state of AI (Artificial Intelligence), its potential impact on businesses, and some practical ways to leverage AI for growth. We’ll also be outlining the latest grants on offer from Gedling Borough Council and the Accelerator project.

What outcomes can you expect from joining us

10.00am – 10.30am: Breakfast brunch and networking
10.30am – 10.35am: Opening address: Cllr Jenny Hollingsworth, Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy, Gedling Borough Council
10.35am – 11.15am: How to Use AI in Your Business, Martin Broadhurst
11.15am – 11.35am: Small group discussions: How AI can help our businesses to address current challenges
11.35am – 12.00pm: Gedling Borough Council and Accelerator Grants: Alison North, Nottinghamshire County Council and Lisa Baggott, East Midlands Chamber
12.00pm – 12.15pm: Completion of feedback forms and Q&A
Please feel free to share this invitation with any of your business contacts based in and around Gedling.

Additional Information

To be eligible to attend this event you must be a business based in Gedling.

Please contact Hannah Kerridge on 07741163242 if you need to discuss your booking.

This project is funded by Gedling Borough Council’s share of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and is delivered by East Midlands Chamber.

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