Engaging Decision Makers

Bank of England Forum (27 February 2025)

Economy, Government & Policy

27/02/2025 10:30 am

27/02/2025 11:30 am


Chamber Members: FREE

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For further information on this event, please contact: The Policy Team on 0333 320 0333 or email policy@emc-dnl.co.uk


The Chamber’s Bank of England Forum, delivered on a regular basis, offers the opportunity for Chamber members to take part in discussions on localised operating conditions.

The Bank regularly engages with the Chamber, seeking to gauge current levels of business confidence and investment intentions among members. These events provide a fantastic opportunity for members to have their say and exert influence.

The Bank listens to business leaders’ observations on a variety of ongoing issues that do, or have the potential to, affect businesses locally and regionally. The feedback helps to compliment the intelligence supplied by the Chamber’s economic research and the emerging issues arising from these forums are fed into the Monetary Policy Committee, which sets the monthly interest rates affecting us all.


This is an opportunity to share your observations and concerns, as the Bank evaluates incoming business feedback before reporting to its Monetary Policy Committee for future reports, which sets the interest-rates rates affecting us all.

Benefits of attending/who should attend:

– Business owners, Directors, Finance Managers, MDs, CEOs, Operations Managers

– Share your observations and concerns directly with the Bank of England

– Understand how others are preparing their businesses at a time of prolonged economic uncertainty

– Gain an insight into the region’s economic prospects and the means available to stimulate growth

– Flag-up any specific issues possibly being overlooked by the media, or that are pertinent to your industrial sector

– Understand the financial constraints/opportunities across a broad spectrum of industry

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Registration for this event is now closed, if you have a query on this please contact policy@emc-dnl.co.uk