Rushcliffe Advisor Support

The Rushcliffe Borough Council Business Adviser Support project provides a dedicated Business Adviser to support SME businesses in the new business centre in Rushcliffe (Bingham) and in the surrounding areas.


An exclusive Rushcliffe programme of support.

The adviser leads an exclusive Rushcliffe programme of support as well as providing assistance to individual businesses to navigate through the range of support on offer in the area.

Current opportunities

The Rushcliffe Advisor Support services include

Business Adviser Support

One-to-one Support

One-to-one business support and advice incorporating business planning; growth; managing people; managing finances and accessing finance.

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Business Adviser Support

Workshops and Consultancy

A programme of digital workshops and consultancy services delivered in the designated area.

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Business Adviser Support

Access to Specialists

Access to a team of specialist advisers including Enterprise Advisers, an Innovation & Growth Adviser, Digital & Technology Advisers and a Skills Adviser.

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Find out if your business postcode is in the Rushcliffe Borough Council area.

need extra support?

To access the support available please call 0330 053 8630 or click to complete the form below.